Turning ConvertFlow into AI Sales Assistant with Dynamic Personalization


InsightArc Dynamic Personalization for Anonymus Shoppers is a powerful solution that allows you to implement real-time hyper-personalized offers to intercept ineffective on-site customer journeys and convert anonymous visitors before leaving the website.

In this article, we will explore how to integrate Insightarc with ConvertFlow, a popular marketing automation platform, to enhance your website's functionality, improve user engagement and fix revenue leakage from leaving visitors.


Before proceeding with the integration, ensure that you have the following:

  1. Access to your website's source code.
  2. Connect InsightArc to your site
  3. An active ConvertFlow account.

Step 1: Installing ConvertFlow

  1. Setup ConvertFlow integration on your site.
  2. Log in to your ConvertFlow account.
  3. Create a new campaign or select an existing one.
  4. Navigate to the "Overlay Popups" section within the campaign.
  5. Customize the popup fields according to your requirements.
  6. Save the popup.
  7. Remember CTA_ID from the ConvertFlow campaign url: https://app.convertflow.com/websites/XXXX/cta/CTA_ID

Step 2: Integrating InsightArc Signals with ConvertFlow

  1. Begin by accessing your project in the InsightArc App via the following link (https://space.insightarc.com)
  2. Navigate to the project settings by clicking on the top right corner of the screen: Settings.png
  3. Once in the project settings, go to the "Integrations" tab: integrations.jpg
  4. Click on the "Add Integration" button.
  5. In the newly opened window, provide a name for the integration and input the CTA_ID obtained in step 1.7: Add new Integration.jpg
  6. Finally, click the "Save" button to save your integration settings.

As a result, your ConvertFlow popups turns into fully autonomous AI-powered sales assistant